Thursday, January 15, 2009

The beauty of the icon


I had this randomly downloaded image on my desktop for a long time. Everyday I looked at this icon of it and assumed it was an image of something it was not. One day while cleaning up, I finally bothered to open the image up. It turned out not to be what I thought it was, at all. It was beautiful image, but I was disappointed because I liked the image I imagined.
So I produced my image trying to mimic exactly how I imagined the original image from its icon. The whole thing was like mishearing lyrics, loving your version, and then being slightly disappointed by the actual lyrics, as nice as they are.
The mind fills in details and gives motives to the random and the misheard. Its fundamental to our perception, so that we don't get bogged down in deciphering every input. We generate textural smoothness to fill in the gaps in understanding and sometimes blocks those inputs that don't conform to a general worldview. Its beautiful though and it can generate new things, if you use it.

What I thought the image was:

What it actually was:

The icons beside each other:

My picture without the cropping:

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