Friday, January 9, 2009

left out

As a commercial designer, I find most of my beautiful ideas lying under my desk, covered with dust, months after I've conceived them. The spot gets made, and the beauty somehow gets left out (sometimes). In the frenzy of production, I've forgotten my lovely images/ideas, only to rediscover them later, and possibility recycle them when they will suit the client's needs better.

Sometimes it makes sense that the client doesn't want a certain this or that. Sometimes it doesn't. Its not surprising or unusual or torture, its just the job. Surviving as a designer in large part means not caring too much about your beautiful ideas. If you care too much, you're an artist. And that's a different job. The beautiful Richard Carlyon used to say, Designers solve problems, artists cause them.

So here are a couple frames I really liked that got cut out of a spot this summer. The spot was for a back-to-school sweepstakes what was giving away a lot of money, I thought it would be funny to suggest buying 10,000 pencils with some of the money. Not funny enough apparently.


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